
Here you can learn the main terms we are using across our API documentation.

Company - The main entity. In the case of Seller Financing it is the seller company.

Seller - The exporter in a trade transaction. Usually applies to Seller Financing.

Buyer - The importer in a trade transaction. They are the purchaser of the goods from the seller.

Company user - Main contact person. In the case of Seller Financing they are the contact person on the seller side.

Trade partner user - Main contact person at the counterparty in the trade transaction.

Trade partner - The counterparty in a trade transaction. For example, the trade partner in Seller Financing is the buyer.

Financing quote - The initial request for financing. A defined set of details and documents should be provided.

Financing trade - Submitted financing quote. After providing all the details and documents the financing quote can be submitted. Only after submitting the financing quote will become a valid financing trade.

Financing trade status - The status of the financing approval process. The financing process gets started after submitting a financing quote and there are 4 statuses: PENDING, APPROVED, CANCELLED, DECLINED.

  • PENDING: The MODIFI risk team is reviewing the financing trade details.
  • APPROVED: The MODIFI risk team checked and approved the terms of the financing trade.
  • CANCELLED: The financing trade was cancelled by the seller or buyer.
  • DENIED: The financing trade was declined by the MODIFI risk team.

Payout status - The status of the payout to the seller. The payout process gets started after receiving a trade confirmation from the trade partner. There are 4 statuses: PENDING, DONE, FAILED, CANCELLED.

  • PENDING: The MODIFI risk team is waiting for a trade confirmation.
  • DONE: The payout was processed.
  • FAILED: The payout was not processed due to internal issues.
  • CANCELLED: The payout process was cancelled by the seller or buyer.

Settlement status - The status of the settlement payment from the buyer to MODIFI. The settlement process gets started after the trade was confirmed by the trade partner. There are 5 statuses: CREATED, DUE, OVER_DUE, PAID, CANCELLED

  • CREATED: The Settlement payment was created with a due date.
  • DUE: The payment is pending until the due date.
  • OVER_DUE: The payment is pending after due date.
  • PAID: The settlement payout was sent to MODIFI. The Risk Deposit can be paid to the seller in case of Seller Financing.
  • CANCELLED: The payment was cancelled by the trade partner.

PayoutType - Payout types consist of three types:

  • Advance Rate- The first payout amount which is paid after receiving the trade confirmation and excluding processing, transaction and setup fees. For example, an Advance Rate of 80% means that 80% of the invoice amount minus processing, transaction and setup fees will be paid.
  • Risk Deposit- The remaining payout which is paid after receiving a payment from the counterparty (the buyer in case of Seller Financing). For example, a Risk Deposit rate of 20% means that 20% of the invoice amount will be paid.
  • Full Payout- The total amount minus processing, transaction fees and setup fees will be paid out.

Payout split percent - The split of the payout amount in percentage. For example, 80% means that the first payout payment consists of 80% from the invoice amount minus processing, transaction and setup fees.

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