List of error codes

Error CodeDescription
1101:The financing quote does not exist. Please create a new quote
1102:The financing quote with this identifier has already been created
1301:The Financing Trade doesnt exist, please submit your unsubmitted financing quote
1302:The Financing Trade doesnt exist, please create a financing quote
1401:The company does not exist. Please contact MODIFI
1402:The user doesn't exist. Please contact MODIFI
1501:The tradePartnerCompany does not exist. Please contact MODIFI
1601:The document with this fileID does not exist
2000:The quote could not be processed. Please contact MODIFI
2103:The document extension is not supported
2201:The document could not be uploaded, please contact MODIFI
2202:The document could not be deleted
2998:Failed request. Please contact MODIFI
2999:Failed request. Please contact MODIFI
3002:Invalid Input(s)
3101:The Currency is not configured for this company. Configured currencies are [,]
3102:The Financing Product is not configured for the company.
3103:Invalid Financing Term, Financing Term requested is greater than any configured value
3201:The Financing quote identifier is already used by other company, please use a unique identifier.
3301:The fees have not been presented to the user. Please show fees to the user before submitting
3303:The document type is invalid.. Please use one of the following types [INVOICE, PURCHASE_ORDER,BILL_OF_LADING, AIRWAY_BILL, CMR_CIM, UNKNOWN]
3102:The currency is invalid.. Please use one of the following types [EUR, USD, GBP, CNY, CAD]

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